iStent inject® W

Small Device. Big Results.


  • Ergonomic design includes an overall matte finish with molded-in grip texture on the sides, for
    increased comfort and control
  • Enhanced insertion sleeve retraction button facilitates delivery of two iStent inject W stents

One of the World’s Smallest Medical Implants Delivers BIG Results

iStent inject® W is one of the smallest medical implants known to be implanted in the human body and can effectively lower intraocular pressure (IOP), one of the most important risk factors for glaucoma.

Once implanted in the eye, iStent inject® W can help restore normal pressure in the eye. It’s designed to restore your eye’s natural ability to drain the fluid that causes intraocular pressure (IOP) inside your eye. This may allow your doctor to reduce or eliminate your glaucoma medications.


Representing the next generation of Glaukos trabecular micro-bypass technology, iStent inject W is built on
a solid, dependable foundation of proven efficacy and safety in thousands of eyes worldwide.

  • Optimised Outflow: Two multi-directional stents designed to restore natural outflow
  • Clinically Proven: Significant IOP reduction across a wide range of clinical studies1,2
  • Procedural Elegance: Predictability and precision to meet the needs of your practice
  • Proven Safety: Safety profile similar to cataract surgery alone

The Size of the iStent inject® W is Only Part of the Story

By increasing your eye’s ability to drain fluid, this technology is designed to:

Are You Considering the iStent inject® W Procedure?

Find out if you are a candidate for iStent inject® W by speaking with an iStent inject® W physician in your area today.